Embajada de Chile en Japón

Working Holiday Chile - Japan

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- This program began on February 23, 2018.

- The Working Holiday program enables Japanese young people to spend holidays in Chile for a period of 1 year, which they can extend once. However they will not be able to alter their status of residence during the stay in Chile.

- The program allows its participants to engage in employment as an incidental aspect of their holidays in order to supplement their travel funds. They may also enroll in short-term language course and/or similar courses for the purpose of learning the culture and general way of life in Chile.

- The visa application will be required to be made at the Consulate of Chile in Tokyo.

For Chileans

- Requirements:

  • Chilean nationality.
  • To reside in Chile at the beginning of the process.
  • Be between 18 and 30 years of age at the time of applying for a visa.
  • Not be accompanied by dependents, unless they have their own visas and are able to afford to stay for that period of time.
  • Have a valid Chilean passport.
  • Have a return ticket to and from Chile or sufficient funds to access it (estimated at US$2,200. - the return ticket to and from Japan).
  • Have sufficient funds to support themselves during the initial period of stay in Japan (estimated at US$2,000.00).
  • Intend to leave Japan at the end of your stay, i. e. stay only 1 year in Japan and not change your visa status while you are in Japan.
  • Not have previously obtained a Working Holiday visa.
  • No criminal record.
  • Hire international health insurance, once the Consulate informs the person that his or her visa has been approved.
  • Show a medical certificate showing good health.

For Japanese people

- Requirements:

  • Being a Japanese national, residing in Japan.
  • Being aged between 18 and 30 years, both inclusive, at the time of application of said visa.
  • Not being accompanied by dependents unless those dependents are also in possession of said visa or other visas.
  • Valid passport.
  • Return travel ticket or sufficient funds to purchase said ticket.
  • Possessing reasonable funds for the maintenance of their stay in Chile during the initial period of stay: suggested amount is USD 700 per month.
  • Possessing health and accident insurance, that includes hospitalization and repatriation in case of death.
  • Not having previously obtained a Working Holiday visa to Chile before.
  • Have good health, a sound background, and no criminal record.

If you have further questions, please contact the Consulate of Chile in Tokio at 03 34521425 and [email protected]

チリ – 日本






  • 日本の国民、住民であること。
  • 査証申請時の年齢が18歳以上30歳以下であること。
  • 被扶養者を同伴しないこと(ワーキングホリデー査証あるいは別の種類の査証を有する場合は別)。
  • 有効な旅券を所持すること。
  • 帰りの切符または切符を購入するための資金を所持すること。
  • 滞在の当初の期間に生計を維持するために必要な資金を所持すること。


  • 入院、死亡時の本国送還を含む医療・傷害保険に加入していること。
  • 以前にチリのワーキングホリデー査証を発給されたことがないこと。
  • 健康であること、犯罪歴がないこと。


Tel: 03-3452-1425

email: [email protected]