Embajada de Chile en Finlandia

Visit of the Director of the Center for the Study of Energy Resources of the University of Magallanes (CERE) to Vaasa

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On March 10, 2024, Dr. Humberto Vidal, Director of the Center for Energy Resources Studies of the University of Magallanes (CERE-UMAG), and Dr. Sergio Ríos, Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, of the Faculty of Engineering of the UMAG, held a meeting in Helsinki with ambassador Belen Sapag, before starting a Vaasa visit, to enhance the rapprochement between the Novia University of Applied Sciences of Vaasa and the UMAG, in the areas of green hydrogen and wind energy.

On the occasion, both academics informed ambassador Belen Sapag on the opportunities that are detected for collaborative work with the Ostrobotnia region, given the similarities of it with Magallanes. Ambassador Sapag shared with them about the participation of Chile in the Vaasa Energy Week 2023 and the main aspects of the bilateral academic ties between both countries.

During the visit to the Ostrobotnia region, in addition to the academic exchange program, attendance at some of the activities of the Vaasa Energy Week 2024 (March 11-14, 2024) as well as a visit to headquarters of industries associated with non-conventional renewable energies is contemplated.

The links between the universities of Novia and Magallanes have been fostered recently, within the framework of shared interests in the area of non-conventional renewable energies and green hydrogen, through the participation of Chile as panelist in Vaasa Energy Week 2023, which was attended by a delegation from our country, and the meetings held by the ambassador with the Regional Mayor of Ostrobotnia, Dr. Mats Brandt, and the Mayor of Vaasa, Mr. Tomas Häyry (21/3/23) and, more recently, the visit to Magallanes by the President of the University of Novia, Dr. Örjan Andersson and delegation (14-23 January 2024) to learn about the Chilean potential in renewable energies and circular economy, an opportunity in which the Novia authority met with the authorities of Magallanes and CORFO, among others.

The visit to Vaasa of the academics of the University of Magallanes, will allow to continue promoting scientific and technological links with Vaasa, contributing to strengthening bilateral academic relations between Chile and Finland.