Embajada de Chile en Hungría

This article is more than 3 years old

Objectives and Functions of the Embassy

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The Chilean Embassy in Hungary represents the interests of Chile before the Government authorities of the Republic of Hungary, both in political, economic and consular matters. The latter, through its Consular Section in Budapest. The Embassy's function is to promote and monitor both the multilateral agenda and the bilateral issues.

For this reason, the Mission seeks to detect new areas of synergy and common interests between the two countries and to strengthen the international candidacies of interest to Chile, as well as to deepen the political link and specify the corresponding official visits. In Commercial matters, together with Prochile, support is provided to private sector delegations that visit Hungary in the search for new markets. 

Likewise, the Chilean Embassy in Hungary has the Political Concurrence before Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country in which it maintains a military contingent that performs peacekeeping functions, together with forces from other countries, within the framework of the EUFOR ALTHEA operation. 

The Consular Section of the Embassy assists both Chileans residing in Hungary, as well as residents in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. In the same way, it provides assistance to citizens of other countries that require information, visa processing and other documents related to Chile. In the consular field, work together with the members of the Chilean-Hungarian Friendship Association in promoting the connection with their country of Chileans living in Hungary. 

Cultural Department has sought to deepen ties in that area, through the work of promotion and dissemination of various Chilean artistic expressions in Hungary.